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Casualty Reports & Public Enquiries

Links are provided below to some interesting casualty reports relating to vessels both commercial and leisure over the last 25 years.  I have also included the public enquiry report into the Piper Alph disaster of 1988. Though Piper Alpha was an Offshore Installation, as opposed to a ship, it makes for very interesting reading.

The casualty report of the MV Braer makes for very interesting reading as well as it is a text book example of a series of unremarkable events, that when combined, led to a disaster. The herald of free enterprise is another good example of the anatomy of a disaster so included below.

In the yachting sector, Kibo, Milly and Mirabella V are all worthy of reading.

RIB Milly:   Lives lost 2

RIB Milly.png

M/Y Kibo:   Lives lost 1

M:Y Kibo.png

M/V Lovat:   Lives lost 11

MV Lovat.png

S/Y Mirabella V: Lives lost Zero

Mirabella V.jpeg

M/S Herald of free enterprise: Lives lost 193

Herald of free enterprize.jpeg

OPP Piper Alpha: Lives lost 167

Piper Alpha.jpg

M/T  Braer:  Lives lost Zero

M:T Braer.jpg
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